Live music is one of the many wonderful things to be enjoyed in Second Life. First-class performers and hard-working managers and hosts deserve our support not only to show our appreciation but also so that our enjoyment can continue.

Where else can we enjoy such excellent live music at such a small cost ? Show your Linden Love !!!

Precious Rallier Celebrates Under the Willows 1st Birthday - Friday 30 September 2011

The first Anniversary of Under the Willows is only just over a week away now. For Dottie and I Friday nights would not be complete without dropping in to this one of our favourite live music venues to listen to and enjoy at least one of the high quality performers there.

UTW is a beautiful friendly venue at which to enjoy live music :))  A lovely green landscape with wild flowers to dance or sit among, an island stage, streams and ponds of fresh water, the sea and the willows themselves :))

I took the opportunity to ask venue owner and friend Precious Rallier a few honest questions about the background to UTW and about herself :))

GC  Precious the 1 Year Anniversary Celebration of UTW opening is on 30th September !  What have you got planned for us for the party ?

PR  What better way to celebrate a year of great SL live music @ UTW than a walk beneath the willows, but hold on before you do let's make sure you are prepared for an overnight stay. So stay tuned! I'm not giving any clues here !

David Perdu at Guthrie's Folk Club - 6am Wednesday 7 September 2011

David Perdu has only been performing in Second Life since March 2011 and I first heard him soon after that when he played alongside Russell Eponym his friend and neighbour also from North Wales.  David is a very accomplished and well-established player of classical guitar in the real world, and fast gaining in experience as a performer in Second Life.  

David is becoming a frequent performer in SL, sometimes with his SL Partner EsmeRose Melody as lead vocal. On Wednesday he entertained us alone, filling the 6am slot at Guthrie's ... 2pm in the afternoon here in the UK.